


  • Immigrants
  • Refugees
  • Individuals with Severe Mental Illness/Severe Emotional Disturbance (SMI/SED)
  • Religious or faith-based groups


  • Children (5 to 11 years)
  • Adolescents (12 to 17 years)
  • Young Adults (18 to 25 years)
  • Mature Adults (26 to 64 years)
  • Older Adults (65+ years)

Race or Ethnicity

Race or Ethnicity
  • Black or African American
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian-American
  • Pacific Islander
  • Hispanic or Latino


  • Education/Training
  • Screening
  • Information/Outreach
  • Treatment/Services
  • Environment/Systems


  • Identify and Assist
  • Increase Help-Seeking
  • Effective Care/Treatment
  • Care Transitions/Linkages


  • Promote connectedness
  • Teach coping and problem-solving skills
  • Identify and support people at risk
  • Strengthen access and delivery of suicide care


  • Reduce risk factors
  • Promote protective factors
  • Improve community factors
  • Improve suicide care (postvention)
  • Improve healthcare system quality

Prevention Level

Prevention Level
  • Promotion
  • Prevention
  • Treatment Care
  • Maintenance

Evidence Type

Evidence Type
  • Any
  • Community-defined Evidence
  • Empirically Defined Evidence


  • Online
  • Home
  • Community
  • Correctional facility

Delivery Options

Delivery Options
  • In person
  • Virtual
  • Hybrid (a combination of in-person and virtual)
  • Other


  • English
  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • Tagalog


  • Adults
  • Teens
  • Experts through lived experience
  • Peer consultants

Credentials Needed

Credentials Needed
  • Specific skills
  • Credentials
  • GED or high school diploma
  • Associate’s degree


  • All
  • No
  • Yes, under $500
  • Yes, $501-$1000
  • Yes, $1001 or more

Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide (PC CARES)

Developed with rural Alaska Native communities to reduce youth suicide risk before a crisis, PC CARES (Promoting Community Conversations About Research to End Suicide) offers adults culturally-responsive ways to use suicide prevention best practices to promote mental wellbeing and reduce suicide risk in their families and communities. The model trains community health workers to facilitate…

Education/Training [...]
Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

JED Campus

JED Campus is a collaborative systems change program that provides colleges and universities expert support and data-driven guidance to protect student mental health and prevent suicide. By supporting the development of enhanced mental health programs, policies, and processes, JED helps schools to bolster mental health and decrease suicidal thoughts and attempts among students on JED…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Comunilife Life is Precious™ Program

Comunilife’s Life is Precious™ (LIP) program opened in the Bronx, New York, in 2008, as a community defined program, with the goal of providing treatment adjacent services to Latina teens at-risk of suicide. In subsequent years, LIP expanded to include four sites in NYC as well as Poughkeepsie and Yonkers, NY. LIP’s goal is to…

Education/Training [...]
Empirically Defined Evidence

Suicide Assessment and Intervention Training for Mental Health Professionals

This full-day training is designed to increase knowledge and improve the skills and confidence of clinicians and others who work in behavioral health settings and who routinely assess for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth and adults and plan for their care. This clinician-developed training is based on current research and best practices and reflects…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Coping and Support Training (CAST)

Coping and Support Training (CAST) is a brief, evidence-based program suitable for selective (Tier II) and indicated (Tier III) prevention among at-promise youth in schools, community programming, health care settings, or any youth-serving agency. Eligible youth are personally invited (never mandated) to join a CAST group and meet for 12, 1-hour sessions over 6-12 weeks…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Sources of Strength

Sources of Strength is an upstream, Strength-based suicide prevention and mental health promotion program. Founded in 1998 in Bismarck, North Dakota, Sources of Strength has taken a different approach to prevention for more than 25 years. The program employs eight Strengths, or protective factors (family support, positive friends, mentors, healthy activities, generosity, spirituality, physical health,…

Education/Training [...]
Empirically Defined Evidence


According to the latest CDC data for suicide rates by occupation, agriculture ranks as some of the highest among all occupations. FarmResponse® is a 3.5 CE training module developed to improve cultural sensitivity and understanding the stressors impacting agricultural producers, workers, and their families. The course addresses farm and ranching cultural awareness, financial stress, land…

Empirically Defined Evidence

AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life Gatekeeper Workshop

AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life teaches community partners and stakeholders to recognize the warning signs, clues, and suicidal communications of people in psychological distress and identify what action to take to prevent a possible tragedy. AS+K? About Suicide to Save a Life Workshops are 1.5-3 hour workshops designed for persons who work and/or…

Community-defined Evidence

Suicide Prevention for College Student Gatekeepers Program

The Suicide Prevention for College Students (SPCS) Gatekeepers Program is a 90-minute, evidence-based gatekeeper training designed specifically for college students, developed by licensed psychologists at Clover Educational Consulting Group (Clover). The SPCS Gatekeepers Program teaches students to recognize signs and symptoms associated with suicide risk and to support appropriate help-seeking behaviors. College students are the…

Empirically Defined Evidence

QPRT Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Training Program

The QPRT Suicide Risk Detection, Assessment and Management training program (version 2.0) is an interactive online training program for professionals responsible the care and safety of consumers at elevated risk for suicidal behaviors in all settings and across the age span. A previously registered best practice, this training focuses on enhancing patient safety in any…

Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence


AFFIRM is an eight-session, manualized intervention. It is focused on reducing depression and improving coping and sexual self-efficacy for LGBTTQQ2SA* youth and adults by providing them opportunities to develop identity cognition (self-awareness, identifying risk), mood (recognizing the link between thoughts and feelings), and behavior (identifying strengths and ways of coping), as well as equipping them…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Positive Action

Positive Action (PA) is a school-based program that includes school-wide climate change and a detailed curriculum. Lessons for each grade level are scripted and age-appropriate. All materials necessary to teach the lesson are provided in kits including posters, puppets, music, games, and other hands-on materials integrated into the lessons. Students’ materials include activity booklets, journals…

Empirically Defined Evidence

LivingWorks Start

LivingWorks Start is an interactive, self-paced online course that prepares participants to recognize when someone is having thoughts of suicide, have confidence to ask directly about suicide and connect them to further care. LivingWorks Start requires 60-90 minutes to complete. Learn to read the signs of suicide, begin the conversation, and connect to further help.…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR)

BARR (Building Assets, Reducing Risks) is a proven model that improves the education system predicated on two pillars – relationships and data. It is designed to create strong schools and communities by empowering students, teachers, and families with data, so that schools can re-align existing resources to nurture a unified and personalized culture of support…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a contextually focused form of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that uses mindfulness and behavioral activation to increase a client’s psychological flexibility—their ability to engage in values-based, positive behaviors while experiencing difficult thoughts, emotions, or sensations. ACT establishes this through six core processes: Acceptance of private experiences; cognitive defusion (i.e., alter the undesirable functions of…

Empirically Defined Evidence


GenerationPMTO was formerly known as Parent Management Training – the Oregon Model (PMTO®). GenerationPMTO is a parent training intervention that can be used in family contexts including two biological parents, single-parent, re-partnered, grandparent-led, reunification, adoptive parents, and other primary caregivers. This behavioral family systems intervention can be used as a preventative program and a treatment program. It…

Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

Strong African American Families (SAAF)

The Strong African American Families (SAAF) program is a culturally tailored, family-centered intervention for 10-14 year-old African American youth and their caregivers. The goal of SAAF is to prevent substance use and behavior problems among youth by strengthening positive family interactions, preparing youth for their teen years and enhancing caregivers’ efforts to help youth reach positive…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Strong African American Families-Teen Program (SAAF-T)

The Strong African American Families – Teen Program (SAAF-T) is a 5 session program designed for teens aged 14 – 16 and their caregivers. The goal of SAAF-T is to build on the strengths of African American families in order to promote positive development throughout the teenage years. SAAF-T focuses on reducing risks that can get…

Empirically Defined Evidence

QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention

QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention Minimum learning objectives Participants completing the 1-2 hour QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention should be able to: Recognize someone at risk for suicide Demonstrate increased knowledge of intervention skills Describe knowledge of referral resources and how to refer someone to help Formal outcomes Significant positive changes from training…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Hope Squad

Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer, school-based program built around the power of connection that aims to reduce youth suicide risk through education, training, community partnerships, and cultural change. Program outcomes include a reduction of youth suicide and stigma surrounding mental health challenges, increased referrals to (or solicitation of help) parents or other trusted adults, and…

Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

Familias Unidas

Familias Unidas is a family-centered drug use and sexual risk behavior prevention intervention for Hispanic youth and their families. Familias Unidas was specifically developed for Hispanics. It helps empower parents to speak with their adolescents about how to prevent drug use and sexual risk behaviors. Familias Unidas is a multilevel intervention that targets risk (e.g., poor adolescent communication) and protective…

Education/Training [...]
Empirically Defined Evidence

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) is designed to reduce posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety among children with symptoms of PTSD. The 10-session school-based intervention teaches cognitive behavioral skills in a group format, led by mental health professionals, with 6-8 students per group, using a mixture of didactic presentation, examples, and…

Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

Body Project

Body Project (Dissonance Intervention) is a prevention program designed for high school and college-age girls using four weekly one-hour group sessions or two two-hour sessions. Groups consist of 5-10 young women. Through a series of verbal, written and behavioral exercises, the program attempts to create dissonance in participants by engaging them in a critique of…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Life Skills Training (LST)

LifeSkills Training (LST) is a classroom-based universal prevention program designed to prevent adolescent tobacco, alcohol, marijuana use, and violence. LST contains 30 sessions to be taught over three years (15, 10, and 5 sessions), and additional violence prevention lessons also are available each year (3, 2, and 2 sessions). Three major program components teach students:…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)

CALM is a practical intervention to increase the time and distance between individuals at risk of suicide and the most common and lethal methods of suicide, particularly firearms. The oldest and most widely-used training on lethal means safety, CALM teaches why means matter and equips individuals with tools to intervene effectively with those at risk…

Empirically Defined Evidence

LivingWorks safeTALK

A 4-hour in-person course for all in the community to becoming suicide alert. Using four basic ‘TALK’ steps – Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe participants gain confidence to be “nosy” and approach a person that could be thinking about suicide. The focus is to connect with a person with thoughts of suicide and to keep…

Empirically Defined Evidence

LivingWorks ASIST

LivingWorks ASIST is the gold standard LivingWorks course teaching people how to provide a skilled intervention for a person experiencing thoughts of suicide and create a safety plan. LivingWorks ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Teen Connection Project

Wyman’s Teen Connection Project (TCP) is an innovative, evidence-based program that builds social connections among high school age youth. TCP is based on several key, research-based factors: 1) teens are very socially-focused; they are wired to seek and manage peer experiences; 2) social and emotional skills develop in the context of supportive relationships; and 3)…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Multisystemic Therapy (MST)

Multisystemic Therapy® (MST®) is an intensive family- and community-based treatment that addresses the multiple causes of serious antisocial behavior in juvenile offenders. The MST program seeks to improve the real-world functioning of youth by changing their natural settings – home, school, and neighborhood – in ways that promote prosocial behavior while decreasing antisocial behavior. Therapists work…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Children and Residential Experiences (CARE)

CARE is a principle-based program designed to enhance the social dynamics in residential care settings through targeted staff development, ongoing reflective practice, and data-informed decision-making. Using an ecological approach, CARE aims to engage all staff at a residential care agency in a systematic effort to orient practices in order to provide trauma-informed and developmentally enriched…

Education/Training [...]
Empirically Defined Evidence

Blues Program

The Blues Program (Cognitive Behavioral Group Depression Prevention) is intended to actively engage high school students with depressive symptoms or at risk of onset of major depression. The program includes 6 weekly one-hour group sessions of 4-8 teens and home practice assignments. Weekly sessions focus on building group rapport and increasing participant involvement in pleasant…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Connect Suicide Postvention Program

Developed and copyrighted by NAMI New Hampshire (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the Connect Suicide Postvention program is a comprehensive public health program based on a social- ecological model to help communities, organizations and schools prepare to respond to a suicide or other sudden traumatic loss to reduce risk and promote healing. This application focuses…

Education/Training [...]
Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

Erika’s Lighthouse Prevention Programs for Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School

The Erika’s Lighthouse Prevention Programs for students in grades 4-12 are a suite of three, no-cost, skills-based classroom programs designed for educators to empower their students with an introduction to mental health, depression-literacy, suicide prevention, help seeking and mental health promotion. Level I: We All Have Mental Health – ideal for students in grades 4-6…

Empirically Defined Evidence

PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG)

The PAX Good Behavior Game® helps to build children’s self-regulation, resulting in improved focus and attention, improved test scores and other academic outcomes, reduced alcohol and other drug use, reduced psychiatric disorders, and reduced suicide. PAX is unique in arranging for peer reinforcement for exhibiting prosocial behavior and peer reinforcement for inhibiting problematic behavior. PAX…

Empirically Defined Evidence

PREPaRE Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum, Third Edition

PREPaRE is an evidence-based training curriculum aimed to equip members of multidisciplinary school crisis teams and school-based mental health professionals to engage in comprehensive school crisis prevention and intervention. The program’s acronym stands for: Prevent/Prepare for psychological trauma; Reaffirm physical health, security, and safety; Evaluate psychological trauma; Provide interventions (and) Respond to psychological needs; and…

Empirically Defined Evidence

Fresh Check Day

In response to the need for unique and impactful mental health programming for college students nationwide, the Jordan Porco Foundation (JPF) developed Fresh Check Day (FCD) in 2012. FCD is an engaging and uplifting mental health promotion event for colleges that features peer-centered interactive booths, a festive social atmosphere, and exciting prizes and giveaways. This…

Education/Training [...]
Community-defined Evidence

Attachment-Based Family Therapy

Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT) is a manualized, empirically supported family therapy for adolescents and young adults and their caregivers developed to treat depression, eliminate suicidal ideation and behaviors, and reduce dispositional anxiety. Tested with diverse families, including low-income and minority families, ABFT is designed to capitalize on the innate, biological desire for meaningful and secure…

Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS)

The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) is one of a handful of evidence-based, suicide-focused treatments referenced by the Joint Commission, the Surgeon General, Zero Suicide and the CDC. CAMS is backed by over 30 years of clinical research including 6 published Randomized Controlled Trials and two meta-analysis that show CAMS is a “Well…

Education/Training [...]
Empirically Defined Evidence

The Connect Suicide Prevention Program

Developed and copyrighted by NAMI New Hampshire (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the Connect Suicide Prevention program is a comprehensive public health program based on a social-ecological model to build a safety net in communities around suicide prevention and postvention. This application focuses on Connect Suicide Prevention for adults in community settings across sectors. A…

Community-defined Evidence, Empirically Defined Evidence

Psychiatry High Risk Program

The Psychiatry High Risk Program (PHRP) is a recovery-based suicide prevention program for youths and young adults who struggle with suicide ideation or a recent attempt. It was established in 2017 to address rising rates of suicide in Central New York. The program’s goal is to break the cycle of chronicity and to inject hope…

Empirically Defined Evidence