Comunilife Life is Precious™ Program

Comunilife’s Life is Precious™ (LIP) program opened in the Bronx, New York, in 2008, as a community defined program, with the goal of providing treatment adjacent services to Latina teens at-risk of suicide. In subsequent years, LIP expanded to include four sites in NYC as well as Poughkeepsie and Yonkers, NY. LIP’s goal is to…

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Suicide Assessment and Intervention Training for Mental Health Professionals

This full-day training is designed to increase knowledge and improve the skills and confidence of clinicians and others who work in behavioral health settings and who routinely assess for suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth and adults and plan for their care. This clinician-developed training is based on current research and best practices and reflects…

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According to the latest CDC data for suicide rates by occupation, agriculture ranks as some of the highest among all occupations. FarmResponse® is a 3.5 CE training module developed to improve cultural sensitivity and understanding the stressors impacting agricultural producers, workers, and their families. The course addresses farm and ranching cultural awareness, financial stress, land…

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QPRT Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Training Program

The QPRT Suicide Risk Detection, Assessment and Management training program (version 2.0) is an interactive online training program for professionals responsible the care and safety of consumers at elevated risk for suicidal behaviors in all settings and across the age span. A previously registered best practice, this training focuses on enhancing patient safety in any…

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AFFIRM is an eight-session, manualized intervention. It is focused on reducing depression and improving coping and sexual self-efficacy for LGBTTQQ2SA* youth and adults by providing them opportunities to develop identity cognition (self-awareness, identifying risk), mood (recognizing the link between thoughts and feelings), and behavior (identifying strengths and ways of coping), as well as equipping them…

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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a contextually focused form of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that uses mindfulness and behavioral activation to increase a client’s psychological flexibility—their ability to engage in values-based, positive behaviors while experiencing difficult thoughts, emotions, or sensations. ACT establishes this through six core processes: Acceptance of private experiences; cognitive defusion (i.e., alter the undesirable functions of…

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GenerationPMTO was formerly known as Parent Management Training – the Oregon Model (PMTO®). GenerationPMTO is a parent training intervention that can be used in family contexts including two biological parents, single-parent, re-partnered, grandparent-led, reunification, adoptive parents, and other primary caregivers. This behavioral family systems intervention can be used as a preventative program and a treatment program. It…

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Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)

CALM is a practical intervention to increase the time and distance between individuals at risk of suicide and the most common and lethal methods of suicide, particularly firearms. The oldest and most widely-used training on lethal means safety, CALM teaches why means matter and equips individuals with tools to intervene effectively with those at risk…

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Children and Residential Experiences (CARE)

CARE is a principle-based program designed to enhance the social dynamics in residential care settings through targeted staff development, ongoing reflective practice, and data-informed decision-making. Using an ecological approach, CARE aims to engage all staff at a residential care agency in a systematic effort to orient practices in order to provide trauma-informed and developmentally enriched…

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PREPaRE Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum, Third Edition

PREPaRE is an evidence-based training curriculum aimed to equip members of multidisciplinary school crisis teams and school-based mental health professionals to engage in comprehensive school crisis prevention and intervention. The program’s acronym stands for: Prevent/Prepare for psychological trauma; Reaffirm physical health, security, and safety; Evaluate psychological trauma; Provide interventions (and) Respond to psychological needs; and…

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