Teen Life Counts (TLC)
Jewish Community Service of Greater New Orleans (JFS) created the Teen Life Counts (TLC) program 40 years ago with the goal to educate youth about the warning signs of suicide and to inform them about resources in the community that are available to help them. Through the TLC program, JFS provides training sessions at Greater…
Read MoreVitalCog: Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention is personal, but it is also a public health issue, which affects work, communities, and families. By improving an employee’s understanding of mental health and suicide prevention, they can be a key partner in the effort to prevent suicides by promoting mental health and encouraging early identification and intervention. VitalCog® Suicide Prevention in…
Read MoreFarmResponse®
According to the latest CDC data for suicide rates by occupation, agriculture ranks as some of the highest among all occupations. FarmResponse® is a 3.5 CE training module developed to improve cultural sensitivity and understanding the stressors impacting agricultural producers, workers, and their families. The course addresses farm and ranching cultural awareness, financial stress, land…
Read MoreQPRT Suicide Risk Assessment and Management Training Program
The QPRT Suicide Risk Detection, Assessment and Management training program (version 2.0) is an interactive online training program for professionals responsible the care and safety of consumers at elevated risk for suicidal behaviors in all settings and across the age span. A previously registered best practice, this training focuses on enhancing patient safety in any…
Read MoreLivingWorks Start
LivingWorks Start is an interactive, self-paced online course that prepares participants to recognize when someone is having thoughts of suicide, have confidence to ask directly about suicide and connect them to further care. LivingWorks Start requires 60-90 minutes to complete. Learn to read the signs of suicide, begin the conversation, and connect to further help.…
Read MoreAcceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a contextually focused form of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that uses mindfulness and behavioral activation to increase a client’s psychological flexibility—their ability to engage in values-based, positive behaviors while experiencing difficult thoughts, emotions, or sensations. ACT establishes this through six core processes: Acceptance of private experiences; cognitive defusion (i.e., alter the undesirable functions of…
Read MoreQPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention
QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention Minimum learning objectives Participants completing the 1-2 hour QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention should be able to: Recognize someone at risk for suicide Demonstrate increased knowledge of intervention skills Describe knowledge of referral resources and how to refer someone to help Formal outcomes Significant positive changes from training…
Read MoreCounseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM)
CALM is a practical intervention to increase the time and distance between individuals at risk of suicide and the most common and lethal methods of suicide, particularly firearms. The oldest and most widely-used training on lethal means safety, CALM teaches why means matter and equips individuals with tools to intervene effectively with those at risk…
Read MoreLivingWorks safeTALK
A 4-hour in-person course for all in the community to becoming suicide alert. Using four basic ‘TALK’ steps – Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe participants gain confidence to be “nosy” and approach a person that could be thinking about suicide. The focus is to connect with a person with thoughts of suicide and to keep…
Read MorePAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG)
The PAX Good Behavior Game® helps to build children’s self-regulation, resulting in improved focus and attention, improved test scores and other academic outcomes, reduced alcohol and other drug use, reduced psychiatric disorders, and reduced suicide. PAX is unique in arranging for peer reinforcement for exhibiting prosocial behavior and peer reinforcement for inhibiting problematic behavior. PAX…
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