Life Skills Training (LST)
LifeSkills Training (LST) is a classroom-based universal prevention program designed to prevent adolescent tobacco, alcohol, marijuana use, and violence. LST contains 30 sessions to be taught over three years (15, 10, and 5 sessions), and additional violence prevention lessons also are available each year (3, 2, and 2 sessions). Three major program components teach students:…
Read MoreLivingWorks safeTALK
A 4-hour in-person course for all in the community to becoming suicide alert. Using four basic ‘TALK’ steps – Tell, Ask, Listen and Keepsafe participants gain confidence to be “nosy” and approach a person that could be thinking about suicide. The focus is to connect with a person with thoughts of suicide and to keep…
Read MoreLivingWorks ASIST
LivingWorks ASIST is the gold standard LivingWorks course teaching people how to provide a skilled intervention for a person experiencing thoughts of suicide and create a safety plan. LivingWorks ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to…
Read MoreTeen Connection Project
Wyman’s Teen Connection Project (TCP) is an innovative, evidence-based program that builds social connections among high school age youth. TCP is based on several key, research-based factors: 1) teens are very socially-focused; they are wired to seek and manage peer experiences; 2) social and emotional skills develop in the context of supportive relationships; and 3)…
Read MoreMultisystemic Therapy (MST)
Multisystemic Therapy® (MST®) is an intensive family- and community-based treatment that addresses the multiple causes of serious antisocial behavior in juvenile offenders. The MST program seeks to improve the real-world functioning of youth by changing their natural settings – home, school, and neighborhood – in ways that promote prosocial behavior while decreasing antisocial behavior. Therapists work…
Read MoreChildren and Residential Experiences (CARE)
CARE is a principle-based program designed to enhance the social dynamics in residential care settings through targeted staff development, ongoing reflective practice, and data-informed decision-making. Using an ecological approach, CARE aims to engage all staff at a residential care agency in a systematic effort to orient practices in order to provide trauma-informed and developmentally enriched…
Read MoreBlues Program
The Blues Program (Cognitive Behavioral Group Depression Prevention) is intended to actively engage high school students with depressive symptoms or at risk of onset of major depression. The program includes 6 weekly one-hour group sessions of 4-8 teens and home practice assignments. Weekly sessions focus on building group rapport and increasing participant involvement in pleasant…
Read MoreConnect Suicide Postvention Program
Developed and copyrighted by NAMI New Hampshire (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the Connect Suicide Postvention program is a comprehensive public health program based on a social- ecological model to help communities, organizations and schools prepare to respond to a suicide or other sudden traumatic loss to reduce risk and promote healing. This application focuses…
Read MoreErika’s Lighthouse Prevention Programs for Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School
The Erika’s Lighthouse Prevention Programs for students in grades 4-12 are a suite of three, no-cost, skills-based classroom programs designed for educators to empower their students with an introduction to mental health, depression-literacy, suicide prevention, help seeking and mental health promotion. Level I: We All Have Mental Health – ideal for students in grades 4-6…
Read MorePAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG)
The PAX Good Behavior Game® helps to build children’s self-regulation, resulting in improved focus and attention, improved test scores and other academic outcomes, reduced alcohol and other drug use, reduced psychiatric disorders, and reduced suicide. PAX is unique in arranging for peer reinforcement for exhibiting prosocial behavior and peer reinforcement for inhibiting problematic behavior. PAX…
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