Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR)
BARR (Building Assets, Reducing Risks) is a proven model that improves the education system predicated on two pillars – relationships and data. It is designed to create strong schools and communities by empowering students, teachers, and families with data, so that schools can re-align existing resources to nurture a unified and personalized culture of support…
Read MoreAcceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a contextually focused form of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy that uses mindfulness and behavioral activation to increase a client’s psychological flexibility—their ability to engage in values-based, positive behaviors while experiencing difficult thoughts, emotions, or sensations. ACT establishes this through six core processes: Acceptance of private experiences; cognitive defusion (i.e., alter the undesirable functions of…
Read MoreGenerationPMTO
GenerationPMTO was formerly known as Parent Management Training – the Oregon Model (PMTO®). GenerationPMTO is a parent training intervention that can be used in family contexts including two biological parents, single-parent, re-partnered, grandparent-led, reunification, adoptive parents, and other primary caregivers. This behavioral family systems intervention can be used as a preventative program and a treatment program. It…
Read MoreStrong African American Families (SAAF)
The Strong African American Families (SAAF) program is a culturally tailored, family-centered intervention for 10-14 year-old African American youth and their caregivers. The goal of SAAF is to prevent substance use and behavior problems among youth by strengthening positive family interactions, preparing youth for their teen years and enhancing caregivers’ efforts to help youth reach positive…
Read MoreStrong African American Families-Teen Program (SAAF-T)
The Strong African American Families – Teen Program (SAAF-T) is a 5 session program designed for teens aged 14 – 16 and their caregivers. The goal of SAAF-T is to build on the strengths of African American families in order to promote positive development throughout the teenage years. SAAF-T focuses on reducing risks that can get…
Read MoreQPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention
QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention Minimum learning objectives Participants completing the 1-2 hour QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention should be able to: Recognize someone at risk for suicide Demonstrate increased knowledge of intervention skills Describe knowledge of referral resources and how to refer someone to help Formal outcomes Significant positive changes from training…
Read MoreHope Squad
Hope Squad is a peer-to-peer, school-based program built around the power of connection that aims to reduce youth suicide risk through education, training, community partnerships, and cultural change. Program outcomes include a reduction of youth suicide and stigma surrounding mental health challenges, increased referrals to (or solicitation of help) parents or other trusted adults, and…
Read MoreFamilias Unidas
Familias Unidas is a family-centered drug use and sexual risk behavior prevention intervention for Hispanic youth and their families. Familias Unidas was specifically developed for Hispanics. It helps empower parents to speak with their adolescents about how to prevent drug use and sexual risk behaviors. Familias Unidas is a multilevel intervention that targets risk (e.g., poor adolescent communication) and protective…
Read MoreCognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS)
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) is designed to reduce posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety among children with symptoms of PTSD. The 10-session school-based intervention teaches cognitive behavioral skills in a group format, led by mental health professionals, with 6-8 students per group, using a mixture of didactic presentation, examples, and…
Read MoreBody Project
Body Project (Dissonance Intervention) is a prevention program designed for high school and college-age girls using four weekly one-hour group sessions or two two-hour sessions. Groups consist of 5-10 young women. Through a series of verbal, written and behavioral exercises, the program attempts to create dissonance in participants by engaging them in a critique of…
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