Erika’s Lighthouse Prevention Programs for Upper Elementary, Middle School, and High School

The Erika’s Lighthouse Prevention Programs for students in grades 4-12 are a suite of three, no-cost, skills-based classroom programs designed for educators to empower their students with an introduction to mental health, depression-literacy, suicide prevention, help seeking and mental health promotion. Level I: We All Have Mental Health – ideal for students in grades 4-6…

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PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX GBG)

The PAX Good Behavior Game® helps to build children’s self-regulation, resulting in improved focus and attention, improved test scores and other academic outcomes, reduced alcohol and other drug use, reduced psychiatric disorders, and reduced suicide. PAX is unique in arranging for peer reinforcement for exhibiting prosocial behavior and peer reinforcement for inhibiting problematic behavior. PAX…

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PREPaRE Crisis Prevention and Intervention Training Curriculum, Third Edition

PREPaRE is an evidence-based training curriculum aimed to equip members of multidisciplinary school crisis teams and school-based mental health professionals to engage in comprehensive school crisis prevention and intervention. The program’s acronym stands for: Prevent/Prepare for psychological trauma; Reaffirm physical health, security, and safety; Evaluate psychological trauma; Provide interventions (and) Respond to psychological needs; and…

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Fresh Check Day

In response to the need for unique and impactful mental health programming for college students nationwide, the Jordan Porco Foundation (JPF) developed Fresh Check Day (FCD) in 2012. FCD is an engaging and uplifting mental health promotion event for colleges that features peer-centered interactive booths, a festive social atmosphere, and exciting prizes and giveaways. This…

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The Connect Suicide Prevention Program

Developed and copyrighted by NAMI New Hampshire (National Alliance on Mental Illness), the Connect Suicide Prevention program is a comprehensive public health program based on a social-ecological model to build a safety net in communities around suicide prevention and postvention. This application focuses on Connect Suicide Prevention for adults in community settings across sectors. A…

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The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS)

The Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) is one of a handful of evidence-based, suicide-focused treatments referenced by the Joint Commission, the Surgeon General, Zero Suicide and the CDC. CAMS is backed by over 30 years of clinical research including 6 published Randomized Controlled Trials and two meta-analysis that show CAMS is a “Well…

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