Welcome to the Best Practices Registry!

Every listing you’ll find on the Best Practices Registry (BPR) has been reviewed by our experts to ensure they align with the most current guidance on preventing suicide. Every listing has demonstrated effectiveness in preventing suicide or directly addresses the factors that impact suicide prevention. Click here if you are interested in submitting your program or intervention to be listed on the BPR.

Start with a category below to find programs and interventions that fit your needs.



Choose this to find suicide prevention programs and interventions designed for a specific people group, such as veterans, BIPOC, older adults, or African American high schoolers.

Search By "People"



Choose this to find suicide prevention programs and interventions designed for use in specific places or settings, such as in a school, a hospital, or online.

Search By "Places"



Choose this to find programs and interventions that utilize specific approaches to preventing suicide, such as creating connectedness, intervening during acute crisis times, or addressing upstream factors, like housing and food security.

Search By "Approaches"

How to find what you need on the BPR!

Suicide prevention efforts are most effective when they are guided by a strategic planning process. Strategic planning can help you focus your prevention efforts on the specific risk and protective factors in your community, identify activities that will be effective in preventing suicide in your context, and prioritize your efforts to achieve maximum impact.

As you are looking through the programs and interventions on the BPR, remember to keep your specific population(s), setting, and/or goals in mind. Be sure to look for programs and interventions that address the risk and protective factors identified in your needs assessment and that are appropriate for the group(s) you are trying to reach.

Here are some tips for selecting programs or interventions:

  • Avoid simply “picking from the list.” Registries like the BPR are useful tools, but they are not substitutes for thoughtful data-driven strategic planning.
  • Start with a needs assessment. Before consulting the BPR, conduct a local assessment of the issue of suicide, risk and protective factors, and current efforts in your area.
  • Assess relevance. Look for programs and interventions that address the social determinants of health and underlying risk and protective factors that are relevant in your context.
  • Consider practical fit. Choose programs and interventions that match your population, setting, and goals and that are feasible in terms of capacity, resources, and readiness to act.

What is the Best Practices Registry?

The Best Practices Registry (BPR) is a resource library of programs and interventions that apply suicide prevention frameworks for specific populations and uses. Our goal is to increase health equity by providing access to a broad selection of programs and interventions (including upstream approaches) that use different types of evidence, such as community and culturally defined evidence, to show effectiveness. We appreciate your participation.

What is the Best Practices Registry?

The Best Practices Registry (BPR) is a resource library of programs and interventions that apply suicide prevention frameworks for specific populations and uses. Our goal is to increase health equity by providing access to a broad selection of programs and interventions (including upstream approaches) that use different types of evidence, such as community and culturally defined evidence, to show effectiveness. We appreciate your participation.